Knit Night

$ 0 
March 7, 2025
open to ages 8 and up

A time to knit in a gathering of needles, and yarn, and knitters. Sign ups are encouraged so that we can plan accordingly but it's not required. We will be there regardless so that anyone can drop in during that time.

Open to all!

  • Prerequisites/Level:      ALL LEVELS.
  • We provide:  Our inspiring studio, experienced knitters, we will also have out any yarn or supply surplus that one may wish to use.
  • You bring:  Yourself and any (or none) of the following – your current project, your questions, a finished project to proudly share, your curiosity.
  • Time: 3 hours, Friday 5-8pm Mar 7th
  • FREE

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Cancellation Policies

Workshops: Cancellations must be made 2 days prior to the workshop start date for a full refund less $15. We cannot refund payment for any cancellations made less than 2 days prior to workshop date.  For the workshops by appointment we are always open to rescheduling when we have advance notice.
Summer Camps:  
Summer camp cancellations must be made 21 days prior to the camp start date for a full refund less $25. Within 21 days but more than 7 days we will refund ½ of payment. There is no refund of payment for any cancellations made less than 7days prior to camp start date. ​We reserve the right to cancel any camp that is not sufficiently filled. We will announce this at least 2 weeks in advance of the camp and a full refund will be given.​
School Release:
School Release Cancellations must be made 2 days prior to the workshop start date for a full refund less $20. We cannot refund payment for any cancellations made less than2 days prior to camp start date.​Consent & Release Forms. All sewing involves a degree of risk of injury.  We teach and monitor safe practices with all students using the machines and tools. MEDIA:  Any video, photos, images of the children taken at camp, and quotes or other written materials may be used by Fiber Works MPLS or assigned agents for art, advertising, and promotional literature.  Campers waive the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or copy.  We will never use names or contact information of campers on any of our media materials or promotions. 

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